Do you like shooting aliens in the face? Do you like contrived sci-fi plotlines? Do you like being shot in the face by 12 year olds only to be called countless racist and homophobic slurs and be teabagged by them post-mortem? Then, if you’re one of the 4 Xbox360 owners that have yet to get their tickets onto the Halo 3 Hype-train now might be the time to do so.
Best Buy is currently serving up some Halo 3 for $38, $22 off the normal price.
I’d hop on it soon as this will probably be a limited time offer and I don’t foresee Microsoft’s multiplayer monolith getting another pricedrop like this until it inevitably becomes a “Greatest Hits” title.

If you own a Wii and, for some ungodly reason, do not yet own Zack and Wiki then now is your chance to experience one of the most excellent adventures since two dudes discovered a time traveling phone booth. Go buy now!
Why is it so important that you go out and buy this? Simple – if people don’t go out and buy good games, the good games don’t come back. Don’t let Zack & Wiki go the way of Psychonauts and Earthbound.
Need more incentive to pick it up? Fine, how about the fact that most retail outlets are carrying it for $10 off its already bargain price, dropping it to a svelte $30. I thought you’d see things my way. Now go buy!
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